BMW “I am”

A BMW may not be born of the Middle East but it is made of it, of the same pioneering ambition, quest for progress, respect for tradition, and bonds of family that define the region and its inhabitants. #ANABMW is the expression of the values that we share and a rallying call for you to define what your BMW represents about you.

All sounds created from scratch for this one as no sync audio was recorded. Some subs were generated with the Pacarana to give it a unique edge, and some lush Universal Audio hardware emulations on the VO. Plus some of the usual special sauce!

By Wimbledon Sound

Wimbledon Sound is an audio post production and sound editing facility in Wimbledon, London. Sound designer and mix engineer Peter Rolls offers a range of audio production and editing services including dialogue editing, sound design, tracklay and sound mixing for broadcast television and streaming / online.